mardi 9 décembre 2008

Why Geagea's defense strategy based on neutrality is wrong

Geagea has outlined the fundamentals of his proposed defense strategy in a live interview with Sahar Khatib on Future news. He based his defense strategy on the following analogy:"During World War 2, France had a much stronger military than Switzerland, yet France was occupied while Switzerland was spared, suggesting Lebanon adopt neutrality as its defense strategy."

First, to implement neutrality, Lebanon must go out of Taef.


1) swiss neutrality is inapplicable because it means isolationism and the arabs reject isolationism, that's why we say: Lebanon will take the Arabs side when they get along and will stay on the touch-lines when they disagree. Plus, On 7 June 1950, a Treaty of Joint Defense and Economic Cooperation was concluded between the states of the Arab League
2) swiss neutrality is inapplicable because it is not linked to an international guarantee like it was the case for Austria... International guarantee is absolutely needed for Lebanon to be respected by its neighbors

3) swiss neutrality has been applied through the Lebanese negative neutrality at the time of the 1943 formula... It failed... That's why we propose the positive neutrality: this means this neutrality wouldn't be a withdrawal into itself, but as while retaining a civilizing mind of openness to the world, a protection against the winds and the storms coming from the outside

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